Insights gained from his latest release, Suffer in Peace Rating
Tyler Farr who is a country singer who has just released his second album, Suffer in Peace, which follows his 2013 debut, Redneck Crazy. Although Farr only had a hand in writing a couple of this work's tracks, we can only assume the lyrics speak for the man's personal beliefs. After all, he has to sing 'em, many times night after night, for the rest of his life. So, what do we learn about Farr from the songs on his most recent album?
He knows how to spell polysyllabic words:
The album opener, “Country,” is a rowdy country-rocker that finds the raspy-voiced singer ready to enter-- and maybe even win -- a redneck spelling bee by speaking out this seven-letter-word in exact order. Impressive.
This Missouri native is no “Okie from Muskogee”:
The song “Withdrawals” features the artist comparing a romantic breakup to whiskey in the veins and the first sweet taste of marijuana. "We don't smoke marijuana in..." well, you know the rest.
Farr has a few friends in high places, yet may still be unfamiliar with exactly what the acronym TMZ stands for:
When recently promoting the album's first single, “A Guy Walks into a Bar,” he opened up to Rolling Stone about some of his famous drinking buddies, which include Jason Aldean, Lee Brice, Jerrod Niemann and Randy Houser. He refrained, however, from relaying exactly what happened when these country stars threw down together for fear TMZ might be parked outside his house. [TMZ stands for 'thirty mile zone,' and we're pretty sure Chapel Hill, Tennessee is a tad outside that thirty mile zone].
A prayer a day keeps the devil away:
On the song, “We Were Raised To Pray,” Farr theorizes that the Evil One can't catch him because “At the end of the day/We were raised to pray.” Apparently, the path to escape IS paved with good intentions. It makes one mighty glad the Ruler of Darkness can read minds. It's not your actions, but your upbringing that saves you. It's not clear exactly what theological construct this doctrine is built upon, but Farr sings with such blessed assurance, you have to believe he believes it's the gospel truth.
This joke isn't funny anymore:
The single, “A Guy Walks In To A Bar,” explains the full circle nature of love both found and lost. It begins with a guy walking into a bar and spying the woman of his dreams. But it ends with a man walking into a bar to drink away the loss of this supposed girl of his dreams. “The joke's on me and it ain't funny,” he says from the start. “Everybody but me could see the punchline coming a mile away.”
At least one song on the album won't get turned into a TV jingle:
With “I Don't Even Want This Beer,” Farr would rather be back with his girl than drinking away his blues. 'This Bud's for you, even though I'd rather be downing a diet Coke with you at McDonald's,' just won't sell a whole lot of suds.
One song on the album that might get turned into a TV jingle:
The chorus to “Why We Live Here” has Farr singing: “Home of the brave, baseball, and cold beer/
It's pretty clear/That's why we live here.” Of course, he could have thrown in apple pie. But choruses can only contain so many words. He must be a Brit hater, too, as they prefer their beer served warm. Once again, this is why he lives here.
Yep, you can learn a lot about a guy from the words on his album. Farr may not be an intellectual genius, but at least he's not another 'let's all party on the beach' Luke Bryon clone. We can smile in peace over that fact.