Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

How to Use Twitter to Quickly Expand Your Business with a Few Powerful Techniques

There are many social networks, but only Twitter is based on brief, rapid exchanges that are similar to text messages. People have learned how to express themselves on a wide variety of subjects in tweets of 140 characters or less. Twitter has a very simple interface, but at the same time it can be effectively used for many different purposes. This simplicity along with the large number of members makes it a valuable resource for online marketers. Many Internet marketers use Twitter to promote their business and get traffic to their site. Twitter can be very profitable, but you should stick to certain guidelines if you want to succeed.

Given below are some ideas that you can pick on when marketing on Twitter.

You should locate people in your target audience and begin conversing with them. Don't try to sell to people right away, but get in the habit of posing questions and making relevant comments. You can post and respond to questions and polls and participate as much as possible in conversations. Become a valuable participant so your followers don't think you are only there to market your products. People will also start to look to you as an authority if you are always helpfully answering their questions. The more you mix up with the people around, the better will be the trust factor. More and more Twitter members will look to you for information in your area of expertise. More people will then check out your profile. Promote your Twitter account - this is one of those marketing tips that people often ignore. Of course, you will use Twitter to drive traffic but you must grow your group of followers in order to do that. Make it easy for people to join you on Twitter. Let people find your Twitter account and get them to follow you. Simple methods work also, like having your Twitter profile printed alongside your other contact info on your business cards. You have to think out of the box to get new people to follow you. Your followers must be targeted for your offers or you won't make any sales, no matter how much value you give. The key is to go after people who already have an interest in what you have to offer. Some things in marketing is a numbers game but your followers on Twitter isn't one of them. Also, don't forget that if you are a member of any forums that you can have a link to your Twitter page in your signature. This would drive extra traffic and give you a boost in your follower count.

There is one important Twitter marketing tactic that is seldom mentioned, which is to only follow as many people as you can keep track of. Why would you want to limit the number of people you follow? While it might sound good to say you have many thousands of followers, in truth this will harm the quality of your Twitter account. You simply can't keep track of that many people.

With a limited number of contacts, you will be able to recognize everyone, respond to their tweets and build relationships.

There are few other free or low-cost ways to drive this much traffic with such a small time investment, this is the ultimate traffic source.

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