Pets & Animal Exotic Pets

Sick Guinea Pigs - Pet Guinea Pig Health

Below is a short description of common problems that could be causing a sick guinea pig.
These symptoms are things you should watch out for, for your pet guinea pig's health.
As guinea pigs are a small fragile creature they can be more susceptible to getting sick than other pets.
Below I've described some of the more common problems your pet guinea pig may experience.
Sneezing, With Discharge From The Nose Your pet pig can sometimes be allergic to its bedding.
To remedy this problem try completely changing his bedding.
If this does not work you can try removing him from the area and trying a new location in your home yard.
If your pet cavy is experiencing a running nose and is actually rubbing it then you must get it looked at by a professional.
Coughing If your pet is coughing constantly then there could be something serious wrong.
If when your guinea pig coughs you hear a labored breathing or wheezing, you must call your veterinary as he may be suffering from a respiratory infection.
Wheezing and Labored Breathing This is also an indication of a respiratory condition.
It should be dealt with sooner rather than later.
This is often caused by congestion in the lungs and will become pneumonia if you do not treat it quickly.
Scratching If your pet is scratching excessively than this is an indication of a parasite infection.
One way of determining if your pet pig has parasites is to brush through his hair well and look at the skin.
If he has lice you will generally see little brown dots.
Once you confirm that you're pet does indeed have lice you need to obtain a medicated lice treatment shampoo from your pet store or vet.
If a pet guinea pig has had lice you must clean and disinfect their entire cage or else the lice will return.
Clear, Sludge-y or Milky White Urine Healthy guinea pigs urine is generally slightly milky white in color.
If you discover your guinea pig has whiter than usual or clear urine something is off.
Usually this condition just indicates that there is a higher than usual level of calcium in his diet.
Red or Pink Urine Unfortunately this can be a very serious condition.
These colors indicate that there is blood in the urine and can indicate bladder stones.
Your guinea pig 's health is in danger.
When this is present in your sick guinea pig you should immediately take him to the vet.

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