When you discover you have an ovarian cyst, you first have to note whether the cyst is benign or malignant.
A benign cyst does not cause you any worrying health issues.
However, malignant cysts would need particular attention as these can be cancerous.
You would need to remove these cysts from your body to prevent as soon as possible.
A doctor might help A visit to your doctor will tell you what sort of ovarian cyst you have.
There are a number of treatments available which are particular to the type of cyst you have.
If you have a cyst that is benign, you may opt for a cystectomy.
This requires surgical intervention to remove the cyst from your ovary.
Your ovaries will not be damaged in the process and you will still be able to have children.
Another treatment for ovarian cysts is an oophorectomy.
This procedure is performed on cysts that have become cancerous and malignant.
In this sort of treatment, your ovary which is bearing cancer cells is completely removed.
By doing this, your body would not be able to produce an important hormone called eostrogen.
You would possibly be prescribed hormone replacement therapy which you would have to take life long.
Cancer? There is also another option available to women who want to treat their ovarian cancer.
They can resort to taking birth control pills.
By taking this form of contraception, you would cease to menstruate.
This would thus prevent the possibility of ovarian cysts forming.
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