Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Raising Chickens: What You Need to Know

So you have decided to take the plunge and raise chickens.
Congratulations! Raising chickens is an exciting adventure in itself, one that guarantees fun and excitement.
However, it is also a task that entails proper care, knowledge, and responsibility.
This article will provide you the basic information you need to know about the chicken-raising world.
First, you need to determine why you want to raise chickens.
Knowing your main reason can help you choose the type of chicken to buy, the materials needed for its home, the food needed for its care, and so on.
Next, find out if you can own or raise chickens legally.
This is to avoid any future brushes with the law.
Read up on local laws or ordinances regarding raising chickens.
Consult people who have the know-how on legal matters.
This action can save you from headaches later on.
Once you have the go signal for raising poultry, it is time to go hunting for chicks.
For starters, you can check your local feed store.
These stores usually have various day-old chicks.
You can also hatch chicks directly from eggs with the use of a homemade chicken incubator.
Another option is for you to go online and look for signs that point to chickens for sale or hatching eggs.
Now you have your chicks.
It is time to focus on their proper care and maintenance.
Raising chickens, fun as it may sound, is no mere feat.
For the first sixty days, special attention to the chicks is crucial.
Here are the steps you need to follow to care for your chicks during the first sixty days: 1.
Get your chicks a coop or brooder.
A brooder provides a warm and safe environment for the chicks.
If you want, you can build your brooder from scratch.
You can utilize either a cardboard box-make sure it is strong and sturdy-or a small animal cage.
For the flooring, pine shavings are often recommended.
These are inexpensive and can be purchased readily at your local feed store.
Provide adequate temperature for your chicks.
You can use a hundred-watt bulb for this.
Place the bulb in the corner of the brooder.
For the first week, set the temperature at around ninety to a hundred degrees.
As weeks progress, gradually lower the temperature at five degrees per week.
For food and water, you can feed your chicks with chick crumbles and a chick waterer.
Use fresh water for your chicks to drink, and make sure they always have a supply of water ready.
When raising chickens, you need to spend quality time with your chicks.
Play with them while they are still young, for them to get the feel of being around people.
Provide some outside time for your chicks.
Assign an area in your yard where they can run around, scratch, explore, etc.
Make sure the area is sectioned off enough so you can easily catch the chicks when it is time for them to return to their brooder.
Simply follow these simple steps for raising chickens, and in no time, you are sure to reap the rewards for the proper care and maintenance you have showed them.
Happy chicken raising!

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