Travel & Places Camping

Kids Camping Tents - Is It A Chance Or A Danger For Your Kids To Sleep In Their Own Camping Tents

Do your kids think they are too big to sleep in the same tent with you? Are they telling you this is "so un-cool", and makes them look like "mummy's darlings"? Then you have two options: Firstly, to listen to this nagging and get frustrated. Or secondly, to give them the freedom they want - by allowing them to sleep in their own kids camping tents.

You may feel reluctant to let your kids being on their own. It's difficult to control (and protect) them when they are out of your sight. But there are clearly also great opportunities. Let's take a moment to consider the pros and cons of kids camping tents.

What you risk with kids camping tents

  1. Your kids can "escape" easily at night time and go for a tour through the camp and its surroundings.

  2. Others could get to your kids without you noticing.

Both is not making us parents feel very comfortable. We want our kids safe. But usually, campgrounds are safe, even for kids camping tents. Your fellow campers have come to spend their holidays in peace, not to harm your kids. These are much more in danger in the big city where they go to school, and they can get lost just as well in the forest around your village. And if they want to go for a night-time adventure, they would also find a way of sneaking out of the family tent when you sleep. They don't need kids camping tents for that.

What you can gain using kids camping tents
  1. More peace, because your kids have more privacy and freedom.

  2. Your kids learn responsibility and independence.

Somehow, when our kids become teenagers, they like to be treated as grown-ups. After all, they are "not babies any more". If you allow them to sleep in their own kids camping tents instead of the big family tent, they will certainly appreciate it. They will be easier to get along with, and feel much more self-confident because you trust them to be on their own.

It's an excellent lesson, too. Your kids will never learn to get along on their own when they never are on their own. Give them a chance, and trust them not to get themselves into some silly trouble. Keep your kids camping tents close so that you can keep an eye on them, but let the kids get up on their own, go to the bathrooms alone and make sure themselves that they are in time for breakfast. It can also be a great challenge to have your oldest child being in charge of the younger ones.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide whether your kids would be fine sleeping in their own kids camping tents or not. You know them best. But if your kids are fairly responsible and you take a few precautions, they will be as safe as they can be in their kids camping tents, and this will be great fun for them.

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