- 1). Mix equal parts potting soil or garden loam, peat moss and perlite or vermiculite to make a lightweight potting mix suitable for container gardens. Keep in mind that garden loam may contain weed seeds or soil pathogens that may introduce disease, whereas potting soil does not.
- 2). Add a slow-release fertilizer, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14, following the recommended application rate for the amount of soil you have prepared. Typically, 1 cup of fertilizer provides sufficient nutrients for 3 bushels of soil mix.
- 3). Mix 5 to 10 tbsp. of garden lime into 3 bushels of soil mixture. Peat moss tends to lower the pH of the soil. Lime adjusts the pH level to a suitable level for gardening.
- 4). Moisten the mixture using the sprayer attachment to your hose. The soil should be damp, but not soggy.
- 5). Fill the planters to within 1 inch of the rim to allow room for watering.
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