Copyright 2006 Roy Phay
As obvious as it might seem in Runescape one of the most forgotten lessons is that dying in RuneScape means you lose all your valuables.
Imagine this. You are rich with gold and armored in full rune. You decide to check out the deep Runescape Wilderness but quickly realize you've never been there before. You shrug and bring along a bunch of lobsters and a Runescape law rune because, after all, you can just teleport back instantly if something goes wrong in Runescape.
Then you arrive at level 39 Wilderness, kill a few Runescape giants, and spot a newbie running around. You laugh and decide to kill him. While you're enjoying the Runescape iron the newbie dropped, two level 80 mages show up. They notice the gigantic Runescape skull above your head and start attacking you while you're playing, hitting 25s and 30s with their Runescape spells. (More than you thought possible)
You eat lobsters as fast as you can and quickly click on Runescape's Teleport to Varrock but nothing happens. The lobsters run out, the 80s laugh, and you lose yourself a full set of rune.
This can happen to any Runescape player. And if you don't take the time to learn about the Runescape area you're going to and the fact that you can't teleport past level 20 wilderness in Runescape then you will lose a lot of items.
This doesn't only apply to the wilderness: so always scout a Runescape place out (or look it up) before going there. Many people lose a lot of valuable Runescape equipment because they don't know how aggressive and strong some Runescape creatures are.
Making one million gp a day in Runescape isn't going to help much if you keep losing it all by dying with your expensive equipment on!
Don't get me wrong. Dying a Runescape death isn't that bad in itself. For example, you can use death as a free teleport to Lumbridge. The larger problem is losing your valuable Runescape items and equipment.
I'll say it again. To prevent unnecessary death always look up where you're going in Runescape before you begin your journey. If you're venturing somewhere you've never been before, make sure you know what kind of monsters live in the new Runescape area. Find out if the Runscape monsters are aggressive (like deadly red spiders) and know if it's possible to beat them in Runescape.
Here are a few basic rules to follow when adventuring to a new Runescape location:
1.Always look the area up beforehand
2.Always bring some sort of food
3.Never bring exorbitant amounts of gold or other unnecessary stackables
4.Save your running for when it counts by walking whenever you can
Of course you can strategically make a decision to go into a new Runescape area, look around, and die. But if you choose a premeditated death, only take three Runescape items (or four if you have Protect Items). Finally, take a little Runescape food because no one wants to be zapped of energy or stranded anywhere on an empty stomach.
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