There is always a way to find out if someone still loves you by simply asking them how they feel about you. If you ask your ex if they love you and your ex plays it off. You can pick up on it if they don't make eye contact with you when they say that they don't love you anymore. Don't continue to pursue them if they tell you that they don't love you, because you'd only get your feelings hurt even more when they get a restraining order on you.
If an ex is always coming around or sending you gifts, they insist on helping you out anytime you need help. it is a sign that they definitely still care about you and might even still love you. However, people who break up can remain friends with one another and offer to still be in each others life to assist one another so don't confuse it with them being in love with you.
Jealousy is the main culprit to tell if an ex still loves you. When you have introduced them to your new girlfriend or boyfriend and they seem jealous it's usually because they are jealous and still have feelings of love in their heart for you. It is good for two people in a relationship to know for sure that it's officially over before moving on with their lives and starting new relationships with other people.
And leading each other on is never a good idea, so if it's over you both should be fully aware and let each other off the hook. If you hear it through the grapevine that the ex is grieving the loss of your love and is depressed, doesn't eat, or feel at all suicidal over the break-up, they are still in love with you.
If an ex still where's his or her wedding rings/bands or your ex still carries your photo in his or her wallet that is a big sign that they are still in love with you. If mutual friends tell you that the ex is still talking about you, inquires about you or cry every time your name is mention the poor thing is heartbroken and most likely will be happy if they were back in your life.
It might be flattering to some to learn that their ex's still love them, therefore to others it is scary for them when their ex's might become obsessed with them and in many cases it can be dangerous.
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