I think you understand that there has to be some unbalance when somebody is frustrated.
One person's frustration usually breeds frustration in the people around that person.
The situation is out of balance.
To do something about the situation, the best and easiest way to start is by working on your unbalance first.
One way to get more balance in your body and mind and soul is through creating a balance between the right and left side of your brain.
The right side stands for feelings, art, imagination.
The left side stand for knowledge, counting and language.
In our Western society the left side of the brain tends to be overactive.
There is an interesting story about a brain scientist who had a stroke in the left side of her brain.
During her recovery she felt very happy.
After her recovery she had learned to use the right side of her brain more easily.
For most people it is good to give priority to the right side of the brain but in the end there just should be a balance in your own body mind and soul.
To find more balance in a frustrating situation and to really do something about that situation it is important to first become bore balanced yourself.
There are many exercises and methods to regain balance, like praying, chakra healing, counting, singing, and breathing exercises.
But for today I want to show you a more unusual method with eye movements In fact this method is not unusual in one area: for solving a PTSS.
The method is called EMDR.
When dealing with PTSS, this method should be used under professional guidance.
For dealing with any frustration short of severe trauma you can use eye movement for regaining balance and happiness.
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