- It is essential for the pet handler to wash his hands after handling the hamster or cleaning the cage to prevent the low risk of contracting rabies or other rodent diseases, according to Worms and Germs.
- On the other hand, Pets Press advises the pet handler to wash her hands prior to touching the hamster, as her hand could be tainted with the smell of food and the hamster may bite, thinking the hand is food for him.
- Wash hands with plenty of soap and water.wash your hands image by robert mobley from Fotolia.com
Wash your hands before and after handling the hamster. Washing your hands before picking up the hamster prevents being bitten and transmitting harmful germs to the hamster. Washing your hands after touching the hamster prevents digesting germs which could spread disease or be contaminated with urine from the rodent's coat or paws.
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