Female genital warts are flesh colored or gray growths that appear on, in and around the genital area.
They are usually found in clusters resembling a cauliflower like appearance but they can also be found singly.
In women the warts are commonly found on the insides and outsides of the vagina and the inner thighs.
They can also be found in the anal region as well.
Genital warts in women is one of the most widely spread sexually transmitted diseases and is caused by a virus called HPV or human papilloma virus.
There are times when the infection does not cause any warts to appear and at times the warts may appear only after a very long time following the infection.
Female genital warts are normally pink, red or gray in color and are swellings on the skin of the vulva, the vagina and the outside area between the genitals and the anus.
The warts can produce sensations of burning and itching and even cause bleeding.
Surgical procedures to cure genital warts includes electrocautery or burning of the growths, cryotherapy or freezing and surgical excision.
A doctor is the best person to decide which treatment will best suit you.
If you are not too excited about the prospect of surgery, you can always try one of the many widely used natural remedies available.
One of the most effective is castor oil which is a good remedy for the warts.
Simply rub it on each night before going to bed and wash off in the morning.
Apple cider vinegar is also a very good remedy but it will cause a terrible burning sensation.
If you can bear it apply it at night and wash off in the morning.
It is an extremely effective method and you will notice a change in the warts in just a few hours after you apply it.
Small lesions will be dispensed with in 10 short days!
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