Health & Medical Nutrition

Good Fat Foods Are Essential to Your Health - Are Getting Enough of Them?

It might seem counter-intuitive but there is such a thing as good fat foods.
In other words, there are some fats that are considered "good" and that you should eat.
That doesn't mean all fat.
It still doesn't pay to chow down on fried food everyday and think you're going to be healthy.
No, the good fat foods are certain foods rich in what's sometimes called "good fats".
These foods supply your brain with necessary nutrients so it can send the messages needed throughout your body to keep you healthy.
These nutrients are omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3's power your body and keep it operating in tip top shape.
They reduce inflammation, clear your arteries and can even improve your memory.
In fact, because they're the building blocks of your brain, they're necessary for children to learn.
Studies show kids who get high levels of good fat foods learn motor skills and language quicker.
Plus, they may have a better ability to focus and concentrate in school so they learn easier.
A study in England gave lots of omega 3's to kids diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, the children made huge progress in their ability to focus in just a few months.
One boy even raised his reading skills by a grade and a half! You can find these omega 3 fatty acids in a lot of foods.
Your good fats include olive oil, walnuts and avocados.
Tasty and good for you foods.
Spinach and grass fed beef also has a good amount of omega 3's.
But the best source is fish.
Wild caught salmon, tuna, hoki and sardines are great good fat foods.
That's because they are full of DHA, an essential component of omega 3 fatty acids.
DHA is one of the omega 3 fatty acids that powers your brain and boosts your concentration levels.
It can even put you in a better mood.
Probably one of the best good fat foods meals is spinach with broiled or poached salmon sprinkled with walnuts and olive oil.
But, unless you and your family takes to eating fish 2-3 times a week, you're probably not getting the levels of omega 3's you need.
That's why a lot of doctors recommend fish oil pills.
The right ones are full of DHA so you get the nutrients you need.
If you'd like to explore supplementing your good fat foods with omega 3 fish oil pills, please visit my website where I share what to look for in a good supplement.

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