Overall Rating 2.75 out of 5
Access - Moderate; boat only and about 15 to 20 minutes from Hotels on Seven Mile Beach
Depth to 60+ ft
Visibility - moderate
Current - minimal to none
Marine Species variety - Moderate to Good; Yellow Stingrays, Turtles, Angelfishes, Blue Tang
Reef health - moderate (poor closer to shore)
Cemetery Reef is just offshore of the north end of Seven Mile Beach and is an acceptable second dive following scuba diving on the west wall It's also possible to snorkel off of the beach closer to shore. You'll be able to come across a variety of different fish here such as, Angelfishes, Blue Tangs, Blue-headed Wrasse, Blue Chromis, Spotted Drum and a lot more. The site has a mixture of coral fingers and sand channels to explore and a few nice Encrusting Octopus sponges.
Visibility on this dive site might be reduced some on this site because of the amount of sand and bio matter in the water However, the site is interesting and when you take your time you will get a number of excellent underwater pictures. You may find Yellow Stingrays on this scuba diving site partly obscured in the sand. At this dive site there is also an old lawn chair sitting in the sand where you can take a picture reclining on the chair.
Several scuba divers have seen Nurse Sharks on this dive site but it is not common. The coral reef is in poor to average condition over a great deal of the dive site but you should still discover a limited number of very good hard and soft corals. You should also find a Green Morays or two secluded in the coral. Make sure you take a look at the under hangs and pockets in the coral reef. You may also come across Spiny Lobsters along with other crabs, shrimps and clams. At this dive site there are more than a few expansive areas of sand that can be found throughout this dive site and can be good locations to search for different kinds of rays, such as the Yellow Stingray. I have found several juveniles on the site once in a while.
Close-up wide-angel along with macro photography are probably the best to use on this dive site due to the quantity of particulates which are normally in the water. Cemetery Reef usually has excellent diversity of fish and other marine animals on the site and I have seen the hard to find Spotted Drum. This is typically a scuba diving site where you can dive as a buddy team or you may follow the dive master on a guided tour. It can be a good variation from one of the usual second scuba diving sites on the west side especially if you have not been to the site it is definitely worth at least one trip.
I definitely suggest taking this dive slowly and take the time to enjoy the site. Peruse other site evaluations on my blog and see other underwater photography on my website and follow me on Twitter @ images2inspire.The pool is open...
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