As I'm making my way through this journey of learning about ways to go green, I keep hearing that little voice say, but what does going grean mean? Not the answers that are commonly tossed around.
But the truth.
What does going green mean? To you and me.
I also think who cares if we are green? Does it really matter? People have been living on this planet for hundreds of years and did any of them ever say let's live the green way? My grandparents lived into their 80's and I don't think either set of them thought about living green.
Well, I'll put the answer to this question in my own words.
Then we will take a look at another definition.
It works like this for me.
I go to the store to buy something simple.
Let's buy a carton of ice cream.
I glance at the back of the box and start reading the label, milk, sugar, salt, eggs, vanilla, items that I know.
I can tell you where an egg comes from.
Then I get curious because the other brand is on sale, so of course I read the back of the package and I discover milk, eggs, sugar, artificial flavorings and a bunch of other ingredients I don't know and I am sure they are not a food source.
Chemicals masquerading as a food.
Well I like to save money but I want food not chemicals.
What happens next is this, I start to think of the process how the companies make the chemical and how come they just don't put food ingredients in the recipe.
I start to worry about the air from processing plants and the energy that it takes to put this all together.
Now in this short paragraph I have mentioned the air we breath, the energy we use and the health of myself and my family.
That is what going green means.
Having an awareness of your environmental surroundings and the effects you have on them.
If I purchase the ice cream with food ingredients, I am supporting a whole foods eating structure.
If I purchase the food with artificial ingredients and flavors, I am supporting a structure that isn't putting health or the environment first.
Now I know that is over simplified, but that is the gist of it.
The definition in the dictionary states: going green is a movement to protect the quality and continuity of life through conservation of natural resources.
To over simplify a huge concept going green is simply caring about the impact you have on your surroundings.
Going green does matter.
That's it.
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