It is important that you do look for ways of managing your apnea as there are a wide range of direct and indirect health problems that are associated with sleep deprivation in particular and insomnia in general (as sleep apnea can often force many people to continue waking through the night, limiting their sleep). This can range from depression to heart disease, and can prove fatal.
Natural Cures for Sleep Apnea
So if we know it is important to address our apnea what can we do to help beat it, to ensure that we continue breathing all night?
There are a number of hints, tricks, tips and cures available for sufferers - and plenty that don't need surgery or sleeping with complex CPAP machines attached to us.
1. Elevate your head. If you elevate your head a few inches you will force your body to tense different muscles than it currently is. As one of the major problems with both types of apnea (central and obstructive) is that of the muscles in the throat this additional help in tensing certain muscles can provide the relief needed.
2. Sleep on your side. Again this causes different muscles to tense, it is also especially useful for obstructive apnea as it doesn't force any problems (such as too bog a tongue) to be pushed down the throat, blocking the air way.
3. Lose weight. We are not saying that everyone who has apnea is overweight, but one of the health problems associated with being overweight is sleep apnea - so if you are overweight then you will find that losing weight may well help cure sleep apnea.
4. Avoid muscle relaxants. By this we mean anything from alcohol to sleeping pills. Anything that causes your body (especially muscles) to relax should be avoided as it is encouraging your muscles not to be used in breathing.
5. Avoid irritants. It could well be one of the issues that is causing you to stop breathing whilst asleep is because your muscles in the airway are becoming over enlarged. This is likely to be due to a sensitivity to certain thins - anything from dust to perfumes. So try to keep away from anything that could cause such a reaction and get yourself tested for allergies and intolerances.
There are plenty more natural cures for your apnea, from herbal supplements to certain breathing exercises. But these should help you make a start on curing sleep apnea naturally.