- 1). Select a tall shepherd's hook. A shepherd's hook is a type of garden planter stake with a large curved hook at the top that can be pressed into the soil. The hook extends a foot or more away from the stake and is typically used for hanging plants.
- 2). Spray paint the hook white using automotive white spray paint that doesn't require a primer.
- 3). Select a small round table with sturdy legs. Find a round white tablecloth to fit the table and drape to the ground.
- 4). Position the shepherd's hook against the side of the table and press the stake end into the soil so that the hook is secure.
- 5). Hang a circle-top style net canopy from the hook. Drape the canopy sides around the outside of the table. Position the opening of the canopy opposite the stake.
- 6). Hang tablecloth weights evenly around the perimeter of the net just below the edge of the table. This will hold the netting down and not allow the net to blow against the cake. Tablecloth weights are available in most kitchen stores and online and they come in a wide variety of designs.
- 7). Place the wedding cake inside the net right before the reception begins. Do not leave a cake sitting outside all day if it is hot or humid. Make sure the cake is located under strong shade.