For single Muslim women finding a life-partner is quite hard and it gets harder when they are required to find a suitable man for their Muslim wedding. In Islam, Muslim women are not allowed to re-marry outside their religion. Hence for those Muslim Women not living in a vastly Muslim populated area, it becomes quite a dilemma to find a partner. For such women, Muslim online social networking websites provide the best solution. These sites are efficient and reliable in catering specifically to the Muslim users looking to meet people with mutual interests.
Holly Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said;
"Marriage is my sunnah. Whosoever keeps away from it is not from me."
Muslim women can find their match for their Muslim wedding by searching in the advanced query tools provided on the site to meet their match in their location, religion, age, and with other interests of their liking. Muslim dating may not be seen with a positive view in certain Muslim societies, hence for users restricted by society norms can interact virtually with others. More and more Muslim women are signing up on these social media networks to find their soul-mates for their Muslim wedding. For one, these sites are free to join, and you can securely interact with others without the fear of your information being distributed without your permission.
Marriage in Islam is viewed as an important and sacred union between a man and woman that fulfills half of one's religious obligations. A well-known passage in the Quran discusses marriage as follows: "Among His signs is that He created for you spouses from yourselves so that you might find repose with them. And He has placed between you affection and mercy. In that there are certainly signs for people who reflect.
It is important to remember the Islamic framework for the marriage process described above is greatly influenced by an individual's cultural and family traditions. Distinguishing between culture and religion is essential for practitioners who work with Muslim clients, especially in such delicate matters as drafting marriage contracts.
There are basic requirements for Muslim marriage. First, a couple must mutually consent to the marriage. This requires both a clear proposal and acceptance. A woman also must have a wali or legal guardian present during the process. If a wali is not present a woman must be past puberty and competent to make the decision to marry. There are no requirements regarding who can propose marriage.
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