Business & Finance Corporations

Entreprenurial Natural Selection!

The Entrepreneur and the Amateur are quite different and can sometimes be one and the same.
In my years of creating products and services along with finding and honing my talents and gifts, the one big difference between the Entrepreneur and the Amateur is the mindset of that individual.
When I interview someone that is interested in becoming an associate of my company, I can tell who has vision and who does not.
Vision is what I am able to see the future for yourself within the context of that particular companies vision.
When I hear how much does the job pay or when do I get my first paycheck or how many vacation days do I get along with sick pay, then I know this person is not in it for the long haul and has only limited vision.
This is the amateur I referred to earlier.
There are many people that I have gone through along this journey.
Many of them, and I do mean many of them have lasted only a short while and then they left, never to be heard from again.
(Sounds like a serious movie!)These individuals did not have the vision or capacity to get the job done.
They were amateurs in every sense of the word playing in a serious game.
Now, here is a term I have coined and I do not want you to ever forget it.
Are you ready?Good.
Here it is.
"Entrepreneurial Natural Selection.
"I will repeat it.
"Entrepreneurial Natural Selection.
This is the phrase I came up with to best describe the true Entrepreneur from the amateur entrepreneur.
Over time, you will come across a whole slew of people who really want to become self-sufficient and create or design a life for themselves with the natural talents they have been given.
Yet, research indicates that out of 100 people you come in contact with who may really want to pursue a vision of work autonomy, only 3% will be ready and willing to finish the job and go on to the next phase of their dreams.
This is why I came up with the phrase Entrepreneurial Natural Selection.
This is not the survival of the fittest, but the survival of the committed!You must totally believe in yourself and your vision if you are going to make it in this arena.
The struggles can be immense and the uncertainty overwhelming.
This journey will sometimes put you in turmoil and will challenge you at your very core.
Even when you are committed and are following through with your committed vision! The natural selection will take place and the partner or partners you once had will be back to their old ways making a living instead of designing a life and a future.
Don't fall victim to this and keep your vision and commitment in front of you always.
Remember why your are doing this and keep motivated and focused and watchful at all times! By doing so, you will not be one of the 97 out of a hundred that have fallen to Entrepreneurial Natural Selection!

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