Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Can You Go Just One More Mile in Network Marketing?

Do you ever wonder if you can even go just one more mile in your network marketing career? I know I do.
We all know that we must put in some time each day working our business, but sometimes it is just so hard to do.
Usually, I really enjoy the time that I spend working, but sometimes I think that I just cannot take it another day.
I begin to wonder if it is really worth the effort.
I also sometimes doubt that I will ever become successful anyway.
Sound familiar? Occasionally, I find myself in this dark hole of disillusionment.
The whole thing just seems pointless.
I spend countless hours writing articles, contacting leads, posting on the forums, etc.
Where has it gotten me? Can you relate? Do you sometimes have these feelings, too? If so, then I feel better knowing that I am not alone.
I wish that you and I knew each other so that we could wallow in our self-pity together.
I get so tired of reading about those who are making five and six figures in this business.
I just want to choke 'em.
How in the world do they do it? What do they know that I don't? What is the big secret to success? It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Why does this take so long? Are my efforts just wasted? I know that when we write articles, we are supposed to be trying to help others with our expertise.
However, I don't feel like doing that today.
I feel like venting.
You know what? That is my right; and yours.
I really am not an expert in anything, anyway.
I never pretended to be.
I just write articles expressing how I feel and what I have learned on this long, hard path.
Sharing our experiences with each other is a great learning tool.
Becoming a network marketer is one of the hardest things I have ever done.
It has tested my patience in more ways than almost anything else I can think of.
It has made me want to run screaming down the street in frustration.
It has made me wonder if I am even sane for trying it.
It has made me angry, hopeful, sad, doubtful, and full of expectation all in the same day.
I don't think that anything else has ever evoked so many emotions in me all at once.
If you are experiencing some of the same things, just know that you are not alone.
I don't know how many others are in our shoes, but I would certainly think that there are many.
All those self-assured, successful marketers out there surely went through it.
If not, then I believe they must be super-human.
Or they were just born with network marketing in their blood and instinctively knew what to do.
Is that possible? Maybe, but I doubt it.
I guess that becoming a little crazy in this process is probably normal.
That is what I will tell myself, anyway.
Hopefully, once my marketing efforts begin to pay off in a big way, I will be able to look back and laugh.
Maybe I will regain my sanity and see how all the blocks were somehow neatly stacked into place.
If that happens, and it surely will for both of us, one thing is for sure.
We will know that going just one more mile, when we wanted to just throw in the towel, finally paid off.

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