Reliable bacterial vaginosis home remedy provide excellent cure for bv and are far better than conventional medicines which simple provide temporary relief.
Modern medicines used in treatment for bv do not address the root cause of the infection because of which the relief is shor tlived.
You will be surprised to know that almost 70% of women who take antibiotics for this condition will have repeated attacks.
In many cases the infection recurs within just a few short weeks.
Antibiotics do nothing but simply kill off the bacteria in the vagina both the good as well as the bad ones responsible for bv.
As against this bacterial vaginosis home remedy work to eradicate bv infection focusing on treating all its possible and potential root causes.
To get you on the path to quick recovery there are a number of home remedies for which you can implement immediately.
Some of these remedies are 1.
Do not wash your vagina more than 2-3 times a day and use only unperfumed soap 2.
Have protected sex and use condoms for intercourse until you are completely free of BV 3.
Wear light underwear made of cotton fabric only 4.
To soothe the vagina place a wrapped ice pack or cold facecloth on the vaginal area.
Tea tree oil can help fight the bacteria associated with BV.
Add a few drops to a warm bath and sit in it for 20 minutes.
To get rid of vaginosis permanently and eliminate all its causes, you will need a systematic approach.
Trust me there is no "quick-fix".
However vaginosis home remedy can be extremely effective.
Majority of women resorting to this type of treatment get relief from the itching and burning within hours and the condition can be completely cured within 3-5 days.
Good bacterial vaginosis home remedy will strengthen the body's own immune system, enhancing its natural defense mechanisms.
This will ensure that the body is able to ward off the any future infection also on its own.
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