First you must master the following technique described in short here, without doing so distractions will continue to upset your travels through your body and mind.
Primarily you must begin to practice.
Use this guide by reading it, committing the steps to memory, and performing them on your own.
You may begin with a partner whom will help soothe you or maintain your place of peace.
Finding a place where you find solitude.
Ideally, a place free from external sounds and light will be best.
Wear light clothing that allows you to feel comfortable and free from constriction or other 'hot spots' that will distract your mind from deep meditation.
After have found this salvation from the outside world, begin.
Close your eyes.
It is not important to shut them completely as this may be difficult at first.
Simply close them so as to let as little light in without having to strain your eyes to keep them shut.
If any light in the room is distracting, eliminate it and remember to do so before you begin next time.
Concentrate on your body and how it moves as you are breathing.
Fill your lungs and empty them.
Enjoy the flow of your breath and think about your muscles, organs, and tissues being replenished by the fresh oxygen circulating throughout your body.
Take these moments and remind yourself of your positive goals and where you would like to be going while you travel.
Remain positive and encourage yourself that you are seeking to become enlightened by your travels and discoveries that are to come.
Whether you are seeking to become free from migraines or daily headaches or stress you are embarking upon a path that will be spiritually cleansing.
Gain confidence that your will power will become stronger as you learn to enjoy the resulting endorphin lifts that can result in healthy weight loss and anxiety relief.
Out-of-Body-Experiences [OBE] and astral projections can become a foundation towards living a more peaceful life within and around you.
Stay focused on your breathing while you explore these positive feelings and center your energy at your core while it [the energy] builds from the encouragement that the goal or fantasy provides.
Keep breathing and feel your body as it becomes consumed by this powerful energy that is slowing building and growing from your core.
Is it fuzzy or smooth? Does it pulsate or swirl as the blood flows from your heart towards your toes? Allow these images to overwhelm your mind until you have lost the physical awareness of your physical body.
If thoughts from your daily responsibilities come into mind acknowledge them and push them away knowing full well that you can take care of them at a later time.
Do not attempt to solve them, acknowledge the task then push it of mind and focus on your body and how good it feels to be living and breathing.
Use the vague image of your energy to consume your visual mind.
Discover details about it.
It is wet, dry, or neither.
Does it feel smooth, rough, hard or soft? Write these observations down in a journal later.
While discovering this new space inside of you does it seem dark? Do you see a light or many small lights, like sprites, floating and darting about? 8.
You have reached the precipice of beginning to astral projection.
Most people explain their energies as waves or vibrations.
This energy moves throughout your body as you project it.
You are in control of it! Try flattening it out like a French crepe, thin and widespread, or a bulging sphere that builds from your core until it fully encompasses your entire form.
Remember, this form can be any shape; animate or not.
This can be your true form and that which you use to travel in.
Can you reach out and pass through your adjacent wall or nightstand? You don't have to pass completely through, just moving though walls is a big step! 10.
Now try to move your energy out of your body.
Feel the slight tension, like a spoon moves into honey, as it pulls away from the physical.
Don't move your body, just the energy you have possessed.
Use your energy vibrations or pulsations to gently rock yourself free from the physical until you are hovering above your body.
Essentially this is it! Keep moving, see where it takes you! I would love to hear your words, read them, and share experiences with you.
Post on my guestbook please.
Stay healthy.
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