Health & Medical Mental Health

Tips For Teaching the ADHD Child

If you are a teacher dealing with an ADHD child in your classroom, you might be having a tough time keeping your sanity while trying to teach every child in your classroom.
By his very nature, the ADHD child can be extremely difficult in a classroom situation.
He is usually impulsive, distracted, and may even become violent in rare cases.
He cannot sit still and has trouble concentrating on his schoolwork, and even if he is very bright, he may have trouble completing assignments.
This obviously makes your job as an educator extremely difficult, since you have a classroom of twenty or thirty other children to teach.
Your first reaction to child ADHD may be speaking to the parents about medicating the child, but there are a few things you should be aware of before jumping to this solution.
First of all, if you're dealing with very young children, it may be too early to officially diagnose and treat child ADHD.
Secondly, the parents of your ADHD child may be uncomfortable with traditional treatments for a variety of reasons, including the potential side effects of psychostimulants like Ritalin and Adderall.
So what can you do to help that ADHD child while keeping your sanity and teaching the other children under your care? You can work with the child in your own classroom with some behavioural therapy techniques, and you can also do a little research on alternative therapies for parents who may be reluctant to try traditional drugs.
Behavioural therapy is really all about reinforcing good behaviours and breaking down a pattern of unacceptable behaviours.
You might talk with your school's counsellor for suggestions on how to do this, but here are a few ideas to get your started:
  • When an ADHD child is acting up in your classroom, ignore the behaviour until she is calm enough to have a rational conversation.
    Catering to or getting angry with a child who clearly wants attention only reinforces behaviour like yelling or interrupting other conversations.
  • Use positive reinforcement in the form of small prizes or encouraging words often.
    You might try making a chart for the ADHD child that shows ten minute increments for each hour.
    Each time the child is listening well and behaving for ten minutes, he gets a sticker, and if he gets six stickers in an hour, he can choose a small prize or do an activity he enjoys.
  • These suggestions will take time and patience, but they will be worthwhile as you start to see results in the behaviour of the ADHD child in your care.
    The other approach you can take to helping your ADHD charge is doing some research for the parents.
    Check out homeopathic cures for ADHD, which have been proven to work in many studies and anecdotal cases.
    Get together information on these treatments, which usually include a combination of herbs and plant extracts that have been used for centuries to calm the mind and body.
    These treatments actually work, but so few people know about them that the parents of your ADHD child may just need some more information to be nudged in the right direction to start treating their child, which will make your life easier and his more fulfilling.

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