Today we all do our work online with help of many different kind of website. We browse different website and there is always a risk of landing on different harmful websites. These harmful website are equipped with different malicious application which can led us to identity thefts. Though there has been many claim from different antivirus company about the strength of the antivirus and firewall, I would suggest you all to keep an eyes on the websites you visit. McAfee has similar free utility called McAfee SiteAdvisor that helps you to differentiate between the harmful and safe website.
The best part about the tool is that it is free to use and thus you do not pay anything for the tool. The tool is also handy as it is easy to install and does install in less than 1 min. The McAfee SiteAdvisor also gives you a benefit of using the web browser more safely and is compatible with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox two most popular browser till date. The McAfee Site Advisor uses the information from the popular search engines like AOL, Google, Bing and Yahoo. The total number of search engine it is compatible with are as much as 20. However many of you would not like to change the default search engine and home page as it is prompted while you install it on the computer. The McAfee SiteAdvisor gives you option to change the homepage to Yahoo and search engine to Yahoo. Change of home page is uncheck by default, but the change in the search engine is set by default. You can uncheck the change and it should not prompt you again.
Another advantage of using the SiteAdvisor is, it will not share any of your personal details. Neither will they pass any geographical information to any one. The working mechanism of McAfee SiteAdvisor is, when you search for any thing in the search engine the result will have either of the three color green check, yellow or red cross. The color would let you know if is safe to visit the website or not. The green color means you can visit the website. However if you see the cross please avoid the website as it can be harmful to your computer. However the yellow color means that the websites has not been reviewed and if you still want to check the website please be careful when you browse the website.
If you want to go for the extra protection when you are browsing you can download the paid version. The paid version actually gives you extra protection as it checks the link in the email as well and the if you accidently open the website which is harmful for your computer, the McAfee SiteAdvisor actually blocks the website from opening on the computer. Thus McAfee gives you peace of mind while you are browsing.
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