Following the surprise success of Lego Star Wars, a videogame that brings the Star Wars universe in a blocky and child-friendly Lego atmosphere, Indiana Jones is also being Lego-fied for a release this coming June 3, 2008 titled Lego Indiana Jones.
In the game, you can play as the famous whip wielding, snake hating, adventure titan Dr. Jones. Only this time he appears to be too cute to be in any real danger. The main feature of the game is its story mode, which sets the player in all the Hollywood Indiana Jones movies, from The Raiders of the Lost Ark to The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. This includes all the adrenaline pumping scenes the series is known for. Imagine running away from a boulder that is made out of Lego blocks. Or traversing the Amazon Jungles complete with trees and cliffs composed of blocks that look like they just came from a Lego Adventure Set.
Making the game have a friendly, non-threatening feel and look may seem that it was crafted just for kids. It is true that the game is kid-friendly, as it eliminates all scenes of potentially showing any blood and gore (Indy, and the rest of the characters just fall to pieces when killed, after that theyre just built again from the ground up). But more mature gamers can surely have a good time playing it too. At first, most gamers were put off with Lego Star Wars being adorably cute, but that was before they decided to give it a shot. Soon, even the hardcore gamers became hooked on trying to beat the games story mode, which consists of a mix of puzzles and adventure (platforming) and getting all the unlockable goodies and achievements by collecting Lego points scattered throughout the game. Seeing that Lego Indiana Jones will follow the same formula as Star Wars, gamers should definitely give this one a chance. After all, its always nice to play something wholesomely different after a week of massacring innocent bystanders in Liberty City.
The game will be released on all the latest consoles including hand-held ones such as the Nintendo DS and PSP. While PC users can also enjoy it by themselves or with the rest of the family. Of course, the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions will be much more aimed at hardcore gamers (with increased difficulty and visual quality), the Nintendo DS version will the ideal version for younger gamersthe graphics may not be all that up to par with todays standards, but it will still offer the same experience of adventuring and building equipment or vehicles to get you through a certain level.
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