- The best guideline to appropriately setting your thermostat for summer cooling is to find the ideal balance between comfort and budget. By running fans and following basic cost-savings techniques, many experts say you can be comfortable with a thermostat setting of 76 to 78 degrees.
- The biggest mistake homeowners make is not programming their thermostat according to their lifestyle. When you leave for work or extended periods of the day, your thermostat should go up to 83 to 85 degrees. You will save money by not pumping air continuously while you're away.
- The recommended temperature settings are a good guide for budget-conscious homeowners. If you prefer it to be cooler and don't mind spending the extra cash, set your thermostat a little lower. Realize that every degree difference over the course of time can add up. Your body tends to adjust over time to the setting you maintain. You might also consider reducing the temperature a couple of degrees when working or when entertaining guests.
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