When you are young, you can revel in your luxuriant hair and think that you will never lose it.
In fact, you may be taking it so much for granted that you tie it, color it, perm it, dye it, add things to it, put it in corn rows, push it and pull it, and, in other words, stress it so that you can actually add to your future problems.
Before you start messing with your hair (or messing up your hair) you need to know that you will lose it one day, and that you need to take care of it.
You can actually prevent hair loss from happening! If you are afraid that you are putting your hair through too much, then you may want to take the following advice into account.
First, you need, in general, to take care of your hair and be gentle with it.
Don't dye it too often, don't curl it too often, and don't expose it to direct heat too often.
This means that curling irons and very hot hair dryers are a big no-no; and these two can actually lead to hair loss very quickly.
Moreover, do not color your hair too often; leave a space of about two or more months before you start adding color again.
In fact, when your hair starts turning gray, you may want to let it turn gray naturally first, since adding color immediately can make your hair brittle.
Avoid stretching or pulling your hair.
You may be tempted to braid your hair or put it in tight corn rows.
This does not only make your hair very brittle, but it adds to the stress on the hair follicles, loosening your hair from your scalp.
If you must braid your hair for whatever reason, then you need to make up for the stress by keeping your hair healthy.
Get a lot of calcium in your diet: drink a lot of milk, eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, and eat a lot of fresh fruit.
You may also need to eat a lot of eggs in order to stimulate keratin production that would make your hair strong.
Stay out of stress! Stress can actually make you lose your hair faster, if not make it weak and allow it to fall out altogether.
Sleep early and wake up early.
It your meals at regular times.
If you feel that you are getting fatigued, take a vacation and start resting.
Avoid staying up and avoid straining your eyes.
You need to keep your body healthy, and a healthy body leads to a pretty good head of hair.
When you wash your hair, avoid using strong shampoos and conditioners.
In fact, don't wash your hair too often.
Some shampoo and conditioner chemicals can actually make your hair brittle and dry it out.
This is especially true in extremely dry climates, where your follicles are under a lot of stress.
Bathing can actually take away the natural oils that keep your skin moist and your hair intact.
Some shampoos may even have medications that are good for taking out the dryness in your scalp, but that can damage the hair body.
Always talk to your doctor about good shampoos and conditioners that will not take the life out of your hair (or head).
Lastly, lead a healthy lifestyle.
Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes, which can thin your hair out and wreak havoc on your body.
Drink a lot of vitamins so that you can avoid getting sick, since some medications can also induce hair loss.
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