Pets & Animal Exotic Pets

Traveling With a Pet Ferret

Ferrets are great pets and make great travel companions.
There are some things to keep in mind to make sure your travels go smoothly.
Traveling with a ferret isn't the best idea for everyone so let's look at what it takes to travel with a pet ferret.
You may or may not know that ferrets aren't legal in all areas.
Some states and cities have passed laws making owning a ferret illegal.
This makes it illegal to travel through with one, as well.
Some cities have laws against ferrets even though they are located in a state that allows them so if you aren't certain, it is best to find out for sure before traveling.
If you are found to have a ferret in an are where they are illegal, they could be taken from you.
You could be fined, as well.
Either of these would surely put a damper on your trip.
You will most likely have to travel by car or air if you are going to bring your furry friend with you.
Buses and trains have policies restricting pets brought along.
Many airlines won't allow you to keep a ferret with you in the cab of a plane.
This can be a problem because cargo areas are not temperature controlled.
Your best option if traveling by air is to find an airline that will allow your ferret to be carried on.
This will let you have some control over his or her conditions.
By far, your best option for traveling with a ferret is by car.
A travel cage will be necessary.
Even if you don't plan on using it much, there will be times when a cage will keep your pet safe.
You won't be aware of all potential hazards in places you go.
Motels, rest stops, and travel centers are places where a ferret cage might be necessary.
A leach and harness are another important set of equipment for those places.
When choosing a ferret travel cage, make sure you get a cage that is large enough to allow your ferret to stretch and sleep.
Having space for food and water, as well as an area to go to the bathroom is a good idea.
Make sure the cage has a secure latch to prevent escape and you may need a cage that can be locked to prevent others from opening it.
Remember to bring bedding with your cage, as well.

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