Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Let Charity Contribute To Your Brand

Many companies use charity to both do something good while simultaneously enhancing their brand. The prototypical large effort in this arena was by American Express over 20 years ago in its effort to save the Statue of Liberty.

These partnerships between the nonprofit and for profit sector can be mutually beneficial. There are some simple tips to heed in order to make your charitable marketing effort a success.

Most importantly is to select a cause, which goes well with your brand and operation. If you were a real estate developer then you probably would not desire to partner with a non profit seeking to ban development. You desire to seek similar constituencies.

A developer very well may seek to collaborate with a city's beautification program. Adding to the attractiveness of the area increases property values, helps the residents and serves to benefit the developer. It becomes a win-win arrangement.

It is crucial that there exists true affinity with the cause within your company. If your staff's heart is not into it, then it will not be a success. Soliciting input from your staff is key. Find out which causes most inspire them to action. Motivated employees who truly care in the cause will see to it the effort is successful. Causes with which they do not identify will not fare so well if foisted upon them.

Once you have picked your cause and initiated your effort, it then becomes important to publicize your efforts. Do not be shy about this phase. There is nothing wrong with patting yourself on the shoulder for a job well done. Positive impact upon your brand is deserved. Color printing often provides a great way to display your efforts. Posters or mailers can be economically created with today's color printing technology. Do not be afraid to trumpet your own horn.

Like any endeavor, a charitable one should have measurable targets. Set objective goals as to what you feel should be accomplished. This can be measured by monetary yield to the charitable cause or more intangible results like a cleaner more beautiful city in the above example. When your team cares the results will show.

Make sure you include your charitable association in all applicable communications. When using color printing for brochures or posters it is often a good idea to include a small section highlighting your involvement in the charity. Getting the word out can help the charity as well as your business.

Charitable endeavors are helpful no matter what the motivation. Many might feel cynical using a charitable activity as a component of corporate marketing. However, the recipients of your efforts are pleased either way. A good deed is a good deed. Make it a win-win by doing good and helping your brand.

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