There are too many conspiracy theories about Big Pharma, too much misinformation about vaccines, and too many people that underestimate the dangers of vaccine preventable diseases for the vaccination and autism controversy to end easily.
Researchers found that girls who were overweight or at risk for overweight as early as age 3 were more likely to begin puberty earlier than normal-weight girls.
Physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors and other health care providers are educated in anatomy, physiology and pathology of all parts of the human body. Some health care professionals obtain additional education or training to specialize in the treatment of a particular area of the body. The
It is natural for parents to feel disappointed when their kids would have night time accidents, especially if the children have been full potty trained. But it is important to understand that this is common and your child is not an isolated case. Surveys have showed that 1 out of 5, five year olds w
Children are often sent outside to 'get some fresh air,' but in Los Angeles and other areas where the air is not so fresh, that could be dangerous advice.
Prefolds, all-in-ones, two part prefolds, and more...what does it all mean and what is the best cloth diaper system? Each family's needs are different. The good thing is that there are cloth diaper sy
Many don't understand that when the baby is crying, he/she needs something or it can be a response to an excess build of stomach gas and the baby is in pain. Knowing the causes and the best i
Ear infections in young children are as common as contracting the common cold. Most ear infections will dissipate by themselves within three days and do not require antibodies. That said, a child's discomfort might fuel the need for a parent to try to help them through the pain. Several over-the-cou
An infant's life is filled with important developmental "firsts." Smiling, rolling over, crawling and, eventually, talking. A delay in any milestone can cause concern. There are many possible reasons for slow development of speech during a baby's first two years.
Personalizing a baby’s gift is an excellent idea, making the gift distinct and special and grows into a cherished token through the years. When giving or making a gift sooner, before the baby’s due, you are faced with a problem, that is, you are not yet certain of the name and the birth
Developmental milestones are a set of skills and tasks achieved by children within a certain age range. For example, most 4- and 5-year-olds reach important emotional and social milestones, such as asserting greater independence, interacting cooperatively with other children and learning to distingu