There is a lot that your astrological sign can tell you about your love compatibility! Discovering this useful information can help you pick the right partners and take meaningful decisions.
Okay, so the top 24 are in and we are now all wondering who just might be our next American Idol for 2007. Last year, when Taylor Hicks took the 2006 Idol crown he had the planet of great luck, Jupiter, transiting his Venus which increased his popularity as well as helped to hoist him into Idol hist
Indian astrology is known as jyotisa vidya, the ancient study of Indian astrology. Indian astrology also defines the twelve different astrological signs, their names and significances are the same as the ones that are prevalent in the western cultures. These astrological signs though do not follow t
It takes strength to date the Aquarius man. These men are known for their independence and for not being very demonstrative emotionally. While they do love you, Aquarius men are known to take off with friends with barely a moment's notice and to be found helping someone else whenever they can.
In astrology odd signs are masculine while even signs are feminine. It is good for a male native to be born in the daytime and have ascendant and the Sun and Moon in odd signs. Similarly for a female the opposite holds true, it is good to be born in the night time with ascendant, the Moon and Sun in
To counteract the adverse affects of vibrations of planets, or to enhance the beneficial planetary vibrations on the human system the occultists advice the use of gem stones. A man is influenced by cosmic forces emanating from the transits of planets. The effect of planets in the form of cosmic vibr
The High Priestess card can be seen as representing a wise woman who uses her inner voice and intuition to guide her. So is it time to stop listening to others, and instead going with your own gut instincts?
After the gregarious nature of Sagittarius the Moon has moved into the more somber, serious sign of Capricorn. The energetic movement from flowing outwards and expanding is turning into a more contracted, focused beam of consciousness inwards. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn has been known for bringi
The Map of the New Moon shows that the sun moon conjunction is in a T square: opposing Pluto indicating the continued struggle between the forces of conservatism (Cancer), and the forces wiping out the old regimes (Pluto in Capricorn). Uranus in Aries in a square to Pluto and the Sun/Moon adds oil t
For me, Tarot is a fun and insightful mechanism of consulting my own subconscious, very much like the ancient I-Ching. When I need to think about a complex real life situation, consulting a Tarot usually provides me with surprising insights: Certainly my subconscious has already dwelt on the problem
Tarot was founded in Italy, and references to it are found in the Steele Manuscript, in a diatribe about tarot cards used for gambling. The cards were standardized by 1500. These cards were hand-painted or wood block printed.
Astrologers everywhere are laughing at the astronomers' recent "demotion" of Pluto to a "dwarf" planet. This is like trying to demote a grizzly to the status of a teddy bear by merely changing it's name.
Have you ever wondered why some places you've lived or traveled to have resulted in experiences that are either overwhelming positive or negative? AstroCartoGraphy helps you see the planetary influences of your current, past or potential locations as if you were born there.
In astrology, there are four elements as the basic energy in human life. Those elements are Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. They had understood about the balance system of those elements in their life far away before human invented writing system. It is proven by many old ancient traditions to respect
What does the future hold for you? - Unfortunately, nobody can really predict what tomorrow may bring, although many do try to. However, learning to read one's basic characteristics can help point us in the right direction and help us overcome the little obstacles that prevent us from achieving
Astrology is a blend of art and science that a lot of people know about, but very few people have any depth of understanding of astrology. After all, anyone who looks at the generalized astrological forecasts printed in newspapers and magazines can only assume that astrology is a very generalized an
A zodiacal constellation between Sagittarius and Aquarius and is the tenth sign of zodiac in astrology. The people born under the star sign Capricorn take themselves very seriously and are also terribly serious about the things they undertake. One of the most stable and serious amongst all the zodia