Category : legal subjects : Law & Legal & Attorney

Uniform Construction Code Act

legal subjects
Uniform Construction Code Act governs all construction-related work and construction work sites in the state of Pennsylvania. The Act also ensures uniform, modern construction standards and regulations throughout the state to protect the life and safety of workers, the environment and the general pu

Land Lease Rules

legal subjects
The rules or laws of leasing land can vary from state to state. The federal government places regulations on some aspects of leasing land that most states adhere to. In a land lease, there are responsibilities both for the landowner and the leasee. If the rules of a land lease are not followed, eith

How to Retain a Lawyer

legal subjects
Life is complicated, and the law is even more so. People hire lawyers for many reasons. In 2010, released the results of a national survey indicating that one in five Americans had faced a legal issue in the previous year. Whether dealing with a lawsuit, divorce, bankruptcy or traffic ti