Golf wrist pain is a real thing and can really slow down your game and playing style.
I have talked to many golfers and many suffer from either back pain, knee pain, elbow stiffness and pain as well.
This pain is often the result of inflammation that many of us have, but we just don't know what to do to help relieve the pain and inflammation symptoms.
For those of you that are say...
I need to be careful here, over 45...
? I am sure you have a few more aches and pains and stiffness than a few years back.
Many types of wrist pain are caused by sudden injuries that result in sprains or fractures.
But wrist pain also can be caused by more long-term problems - such as repetitive stress, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Because so many factors can lead to pain, diagnosing the exact cause can sometimes can be difficult.
Treatment for wrist pain can include the following: 1.
Medications: Pain relievers.
Over-the-counter pain relievers may help reduce your pain.
Stronger pain relievers are available by prescription.
If your discomfort is being caused by inflammation, your doctor may inject the area with cortisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory drug.
Therapy If you have a broken bone in your wrist, or if you have sprained or strained your wrist, you may need to wear a splint to protect the injured tendon or ligament while it heals or have the bones set and possibly wear a cast.
An accurate diagnosis by a Doctor is absolutely necessary! 3.
Surgery In some cases, surgery may be necessary.
Examples include: Severely broken bones, Carpal tunnel syndrome and/or Tendon or ligament repair.
One of the best things to avoid golf wrist pain is prevention.
This includes protective wrist guards, paying attention to ergonomics so you don't stress your wrists while typing at the computer, and building bone strength with calcium supplements can also help.
Whether your stiffness is caused by golfing, or is limiting your ability to shoot a great game can be due to many causes.
Seek guidance from appropriate medical professionals so your pain can be reduced or eliminated.
Golf back, knee, elbow, wrist, pain and inflammation does not need to handicap your game anymore if you get to the root of your problems!
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