- Learn to dance in the flamenco capital of the worlddance image by Svetlin Rusev from Fotolia.com
If you've been looking for the opportunity to learn traditional Spanish dances while learning the Spanish language at the same time, there are a variety of programs available for dancers of all ages and skill levels. Most of these programs are designed for international visitors who live in Spain. The programs offer dances lessons and Spanish classes that alternate during the day. - AmeriSpan Study Abroad offers this Spanish and Flamenco language and dance program in Marbella year round. The program lasts from one to four weeks, depending on how long you wish to participate. You also choose how frequently you want to study Spanish and what type of lodging you prefer. The rates vary based on your length of stay and type of lodging. To study the art of flamenco dancing, you may need to purchase flamenco shoes, a skirt and a leotard prior to your arrival in Marbella.
AmeriSpan Study Abroad
1334 Walnut St
6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(800) 879-6640
amerispan.com - Learn how to speak Spanish, play the guitar and dance the flamenco like a pro at this Sevilla school established in 1994. Discover the basics of flamenco as well as its various styles: seguiriyas, soleá, soleá por bulerías and alegrías. Then enroll in a techniques class to hone your skills. Each course begins on a Monday and includes no more than seven students in a class. Pricing is based on your length of stay in weeks and the level of dance (beginner, moderate or intermediate). Lodging and class prices are separate.
Taller Flamenco
C/ Peral, 49 - 1st floor
E-41002 Sevilla
(+34) 954 56 42 34
tallerflamenco.com - The Mallorca International Dance Seminar is a two-week course annually in Mallorca. Dancers work on their form and technique while training and studying under some of the dancing world's greatest influences. Whether you want to meet other international dancers, learn how to dance or work on your stage presence, there is a class that will suit your needs and talents. The program is sponsored each year by the Balearic Theatrical Ballet Association and Pasodos, a dance school in Mallorca.
Mallorca International Dance Seminar
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