- Ecotourists often get as close to nature as possible.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Responsible travel is a goal of ecotourism. Ecotourists are expected to educate themselves on the ecology of the local environment so that their visit has as little negative impact as possible. Making sure that local conservation efforts and communities benefit from the trip is usually an integral part of the ecotourist's travel plans. - The Galapagos Islands are a fragile ecosystem.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Ecotourism asks that travelers not only be aware of their impact on sometimes fragile ecosystems, but on local populations as well. Traditionally, the ecotourist travels to learn, to observe and to be less of a burden on an ecosystem than a partner in preserving it. This is done through directly funding conservation efforts and groups, seeking lodging and spending money only with local businesses, and discouraging mass tourism. - Part of the learning process of ecotourism is recognizing the importance of treating local cultures and customs with respect. Some travelers are inclined to be dismissive or contemptuous of the local inhabitants, even while enjoying their hospitality. For the ecotourist traveler, however, experiencing and appreciating the local culture is part of the ecotourist way of doing things. Ecotourists strive for balance both in their participation in, and appreciation of, local cultures.
- Though the travel concept has its detractors, ecotourism is an ever growing business. Most disagreements with the concept surround businesses and individuals who seek to profit from ecotourism, at the expense of local conservation efforts and communities. This type of exploitation has come to be known as "greenwashing" -- putting a green, or environmental, facade over an operation that only minimally meets the "ecotourism" level of responsibility.
- Ecotourism strives to give its travelers a level of awareness into their place in the world. Travel to fragile ecosystems is still very limited, even for ecotourists, but most gain a sense of the interconnectivity of the earth's ecology. Those more interested in the human side of things also gain valuable insight and experience. Local cultures and communities are able to share their tourist attractions, bring money into the local economy, yet ensure that their local ecology is not overrun. If you are interested in becoming an ecotourist, look for a well-known, well-reputed ecotourism group and begin your training. Your travels will take on a whole new dimension.
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