Once you finish reading the book, the author Marcus Buckingham clearly demonstrates he has some pretty interesting insights into finding your strengths and using them, though his propensity to cover those with his websites and other seminars are what distract the readers no end.
Apart from those distractions, rest of the book titled Now, Discover Your Strengths is extremely interesting and capable of standing on its own feet.
Focus On Self Evaluation The main focus of the book is mostly on self evaluation.
The question faced by most professionals these days is what strengths do they bring to the table once they join an organization? These aspects might be useful in your life because that's precisely what sustains you in the workplace.
The first chapter of the book talks about case studies that are easily recognizable as successes to the whole world.
Take the example of Tiger Woods who is so good with driving and putting that he built an illustrious career around it.
He takes risks other players don't even think of.
Warren Buffet is just great at spotting bargains and he went on to become one of the richest men of the world.
How to Build a Team? The author Marcus Buckingham further says if we can find out the natural talents of people, and describe them well, we can easily create a team which works together very well, irrespective of the background of the team members.
The team thus formed will work well together because the talents of people would complement each other.
In the book Now, Discover Your Strengths, the author says if you spot a person with public speaking as strength, you are actually witnessing a combination of skills and talent.
Skill Can Be Learnt, Talent Is Natural Skill is something which can be learned, for example a person may enroll in course and gain a skill though there is no guarantee he or she will become great at it.
On the other hand, the talent is something that you do not gain in a class or course, it comes to you naturally.
The author also runs an online StrengthsFinder test which helps you find out what are your strengths.
There is another option for you though; you can just go through the Chapter four, ask some questions to yourself and you will easily figure out your own strengths.
What Do Your Instincts Say? The key to finding out your real strengths are noting down your instinctual reactions to various situations and tabulating them.
Ultimately, you will notice some patterns emerging, directly telling you what your strengths are.
But, if you can really conduct a self critical honest self analysis, you wouldn't need the tests at all, it's for them who can't do that.
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