Pets & Animal Reptiles

Chameleon Life Cycle


    • Females have a 3- to 6-week gestation period. After her eggs mature, she digs a hole in the ground where she deposits her eggs, and then buries them. Smaller chameleons may lay only two eggs, while large species lay up to 100.


    • The eggs hatch between 4 and 12 months later, depending on the species of chameleon.

    Live Births

    • Some chameleons do not lay eggs, but instead have live offspring. After a 5- to 6-month gestation period, the babies are born. Theses chameleon species have anywhere between eight and 30 young at once.


    • After only a few days, baby chameleons begin eating insects. Before the end of their first year, they are sexually mature.


    • It is unknown how long chameleons survive in the wild, but some live up to 10 years in zoos. One rare species, the malagasy chameleon, spends more time as an egg than it does as a mature adult.

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