Every woman dreams of having a healthy and happy baby. To ensure this, it's important that the pregnancy runs smoothly and without complication. One of the main ways to make sure of a healthy pregnancy is by focusing on a healthy balanced diet throughout the pregnancy period.The first thing for any expectant mother to realise is that she is now eating for two. The food that you as an expectant mother now consume has a direct bearing on the health of the child developing within you. Eat healthy and wholesome foods, as part of a well balanced pregnancy diet, and your pregnancy has every chance of going full term. Leave your pregnancy diet to chance, and you are also leaving the health and well-being of both you and your baby to chance. It really is that simple! Also remember that a healthy pregnancy will ensure that you are fit and strong when the time comes to deliver your baby.Now that you are eating for two, your calorific intake has to increase by approximately 300 calories per day. Also, now is not the time to be concerned about your waistline! Putting on weight while pregnant is healthy and is expected, and is a sign of a growing child within you. However, too much weight gain can harm your baby, as can minimum or no weight gain. Your doctor will guide you in this aspect with expected weight gains at pre-determined periods.A healthy balanced diet ensures that both you and your baby receive all your required vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fatty acids. These elements are sourced from natural fresh healthy foods. Sounds simple doesn't it? It is! Steer clear of fast foods, processed foods, frozen foods, and tinned foods, as more often than not, are of little nutritional value and can be high in artificial preservatives.Essential elements to be consumed to ensure a healthy pregnancy are as follows:Iron: Good sources are poultry, fish and eggs. Both you and your baby require iron, especially in the early months. Often, expectant mothers become anaemic during the latter months of pregnancy, as the baby has depleted the mothers iron reserves.Vitamin D and calcium: Good sources are cheese, milk, and yogurt. Doctors recommend at least 5 servings per day for a healthy pregnancy, as calcium is excellent for development of baby's teeth and bones, and vitamin D is necessary for its absorption into the baby's system. Also, if the baby cannot source calcium from the mother's food, it will source it from her body, which can create bone problems such as osteoporosis for the mother later in life.Proteins: Ensure adequate levels of protein in your diet as it will ensure healthier uterine and breast tissue for the mother.Water: Can be sourced directly from the tap! It's very important for the mother to stay hydrated during pregnancy as this ensures that all toxins are excreted in a timely fashion. Plenty water also ensures that there is a reduced risk of bladder infections, constipation, and haemorrhoids.Eat well to ensure a healthy pregnancy and both you and your child will thrive. After all, isn't this all you really want?
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