If you are looking for information on improving the chances of getting pregnant naturally, there are a number of inexpensive ways of boosting your chances of success.
First and foremost, everything else goes out of the window if you do not know when you are ovulating.
There are various methods of determining ovulation, including assessing the thickness of your cervical mucous and taking your temperature at the same time each day.
I would advise you to simply get hold of an ovulation predictor kit which takes away the uncertainty and does away with all the rather "subjective" methods.
Next, take a good hard look at your diet.
Both the man and woman should be eating the basis of a good healthy diet, including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts.
Try to avoid saturated and trans-fats, refined carbohydrates and sugars.
You should also consider giving up alcohol altogether as it is a known fertility inhibitor and also stop smoking.
Fluids are really important-you should both be drinking a minimum of 2 liters of water daily.
Men should try to keep the scrotum cool.
This means avoiding wearing tight fitting pants and not taking hot baths.
Those looking at improving the chances of getting pregnant naturally should not cycle for any length of time as this can inhibit sperm production.
You should look at both the timing of intercourse and the positions you use.
Have intercourse on the 3 days leading up to ovulation, the day itself and for a couple of days afterwards.
Advice varies as to whether it should be every single day at this time, but couples who have regular intercourse are obviously more likely to achieve a pregnancy.
Positions should be those which encourage deeper intercourse.
It is debatable whether raising the hips after intercourse is a step worth taking for improving the chances of getting pregnant naturally, but there is nothing to be lost by the woman lying on her back afterwards for 20 minutes with a pillow propping up the hips to encourage the sperm on its journey! When trying to conceive, this is not a time for strenuous exercise, particularly where the woman is concerned.
This is a time for gentle-moderate exercise such as walking, yoga or tai-chi and not the time for running or strong cardio workouts.
Many alternative practitioners and a growing number of conventional doctors are beginning to recognise the part played by acupuncture in helping with fertility problems with some studies indication that it can help to improve blood flow around the uterus and improve egg production.
If you have been trying for some time, it is certainly a path worth examining to help with improving the chances of getting pregnant.
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