- Baby Stroller
Strollers are simple. They are easy to collapse, and take little storage space. Operating a travel system takes more time. Storage can become an issue in tight spaces. The great convenience of it is that you can unsnap the carrier from the base and carry a sleeping infant from car to destination without waking her. Keep in mind also that a baby stroller is not suitable for infants under six months. - A travel system has three parts--the car seat, the carrier and the stroller frame. Cars and car seats built after the year 2000 have a latch feature which allows the base to be firmly attached to the car. The system's infant carrier comes with a three-or five-point harness to hold the infant securely. The system is stable. A stroller frame can be lightweight. Most strollers provide swivel wheels; all come with wheel locking mechanism to prevent accidental movement.
- Stroller Displaying Storage Options
The baby carrier in the travel system has a well cushioned seat, and it's comfortably padded all around with an integrated canopy. The stroller rarely has a padded seat. It comes with a sunshade or swivel-arm umbrella. The travel system offers more in terms of organizer trays, storage baskets, adjustable handles and full-featured canopies.
Both strollers and travel systems are built to last if properly used. The travel system comes in one convenient package. It can be used by a newborn whereas a stroller is more appropriate for slightly older infants.- Stroller frames to fit the car seat into are another option. Decide based on your needs, but keep in mind that the baby's safety and comfort is paramount.
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