Travel & Places Specialty Travel

Academic Summer Camps for Girls

    Girls and Science Camp

    • The Girls and Science (GAS) Camp at the bioscience laboratories of Vanderbilt University in Nashville is designed to promote girl's self-confidence in science investigations and applications. The camp caters to girls in grades seven and eight and provides grade-appropriate activities.

      Both grades will learn about biology, chemistry, environmental education and physics. Some of the activities include building "lungs," water pollution testing, building pinhole cameras, effervescent launchers and bottle rockets, DNA extraction and fingerprinting. Five-day sessions in the program are available for $175 for the summer of 2010.

      Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach

      806 Light Hall

      Nashville, TN 37232-0670


    Sally Ride Science Camp

    • Education Unlimited's Sally Ride Science camp is for girls between the ages of 9 and 14 who are interested in science, engineering and technology. The subject areas include marine science, astronomy, robotics, engineering and marine biology and are explored through workshops and experiments, recreational activities and guest speakers. Each week-long camp includes a trip to a related science site.

      Sally Ride Science Camps are hosted at various postsecondary venues including Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of San Diego, California Institute of Technology and University of California, Berkley. A week-long learning adventure is $1,985 in 2010 prices.

      Education Unlimited

      1681 Shattuck Ave, Suite E

      Berkeley, CA 94709


    Curious Jane Camp

    • Curious Jane Camps are available at various locations for girls between the ages of 6 and 12. Currently camps are held in Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York; Philadelphia; and Naples, Florida.

      These summer day camps allow children to discover science, engineering and design through toy workshops, animal nature classes, story illustration, science laboratories, building workshops, rocket science discovery and pondology. Participants choose one particular area of interest to focus on throughout the week and may enrol in another session to continue to explore new areas.

      Week-long sessions at Curious Jane Camps are available from $325, as of 2010.

      Curious Jane

      PO Box 380935

      Brooklyn, NY 11238



    G.R.A.D.E. CAMP

    • G.R.A.D.E. CAMP at the University of Houston provides girls between the ages of 12 and 17 with the opportunity to explore engineering. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, this program offers practical exposure to the field through designing and building robots over the period of one week.

      Participants who subsequently choose to pursue an engineering education at the University of Houston are automatically awarded a $1,000 scholarship.

      The cost of the week-long program is $300, as of 2010, which includes lunches and camp memorabilia.

      Cullen College of Engineering

      University of Houston

      E301 Engineering Building 2

      Houston, TX 77204-4007


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