Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Aerial Perspective in A Photograph

Photography offers you endless perspectives, angles to look upon the world. Amongst one of those endless perspective, aerial photos are the most excellent and a delightful means to be looked upon at. They provide a completely different and exciting view of the area you've been looking out for. Aerial photography coupled with various techniques today has made it possible for a person to see and visit so many places of his interest in the comfort of the armchair. Not only that, it has also been a reliable medium of the establishing the changes or the degree of variations a place has been subjected to with the help of old aerial or historical aerial photos.

Some of the historic aerial photos date back to as early as the 15th century to the onset of WWII and can let you witness the untamed changes that time brought along with its passage. One can differ by saying that even maps can show the same perspective so what is the hoopla all about, answer comes out to be - the time. An old aerial photos can reflect the changes occurred in the given time period copiously whereas a map can't date back beyond 5-10 years, whether a satellite map or a vector map.

However when both are coupled with each other to study the changes or the alterations that time has brought down, one can be astonished to the core about the degree of transformation of a place or a property has undergone. Hence it is a well proven fact that maps and aerial photographs complement each other as allies but as foes none can survive for long or nor should they be seen as foes.

Aerial photos also have an advantage of lesser time and efforts required for its preparation if compared to the maps which in turn may take a huge amount of time in the form of analysis, preparation, feedbacks, final printouts and many other processes. You can't get the perspective which aerial photographs give you while being at ground level. presents you the antique collection of over one million photographs of almost every state so that you can witness the history once again, all by yourself.

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