Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Are You Thinking of Using Homeopathy For ADHD?

Studies have shown that homeopathy for ADHD are effective in decreasing many of the symptoms associated with ADHD. This includes hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and inattentiveness.

Prescription medications, such as Ritalin and Adderall, are the popular choice because that is what most people hear about. These are known as stimulant drugs that change the chemical makeup of the brain so that ADHD symptoms are alleviated.

So what is different about a homeopathic remedy for ADHD?

While stimulant prescriptions reduce the symptoms, these drugs also suppress certain personality traits such as creativity. Homeopathy for ADHD, on the other hand, takes a different approach. It treats the whole body naturally (holistically) and restores balance, which in turn reduces symptoms of ADHD without changing the personality and producing negative side effects.

Homeopathy looks at the whole person so that medical professionals can treat all ailments that might affect the person.

In other words, instead of just treating the ADHD symptoms, a doctor may treat a constant runny nose or try to understand why a child is always having sore throats. Remember the primary purpose of homeopathy for ADHD is to restore balance to the body. This means each child gets individualized treatment and risks of any side effects is minimal because ADHD remedies will have the correct dosage.

A homeopathic remedy for ADHD can be made from ingredients in plants and minerals and sometimes animals. The best way to treat a child would be with a very small, pleasant tasting, dissolvable pill. This is the most common way because kids are much more willing to take a tiny, tasty pill. I know as a Mom to an ADHD son, it was way easier.

Children who are treated with a homeopathic remedy for ADHD have seen a remarkable reduction in symptoms. Some of positive benefits that can be expected are:

* increased attentiveness

* better results in school work

* better focused

* improved relationships

* less pig-headed

* less hyperactive

* less impulsive

* less squirming around

* better adjusted emotionally

* less aggressive and inappropriate behavior

Should you wish to start a treatment using homeopathy for ADHD, make sure you keep your doctor informed because some natural remedies shouldn't be taken with prescription drugs. The reason for this is that since some remedies are just as strong and effective as the drugs, taken together would be like doubling the dosage. If your doctor can recommend a good and reputable homeopathic practitioner, that would be very beneficial.

A homeopathy remedy for ADHD can be a complementary treatment to other more traditional treatments. Once results are seen from the homeopathic remedy you may find that prescription drugs can be reduced, or better yet eliminated, under supervision of your medical practitioner. After all, not only are natural remedies just as effective (although that take longer to see results), but they are much safer for your child.

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