Pets & Animal Rodents

What Is the Smallest Kind of Pig You Can Get As a Pet?

    Dandie Extreme Pigs

    • Dandie extreme pigs are bred in Portland, Ore., by Royal Dandies Farm. They can be sent via airplane to owners all over the United States and Canada. The Dandie extreme breed of pigs cost between $5,500 and $6,000. These pigs aren't dwarves. Instead, the small size of these pigs is due to genetics, as the Royal Danies Farm has been breeding small pigs with other small pigs since 1986.

    Care of Dandie Extreme Pigs

    • Dandie extreme pigs have an expected lifespan of 12 to 17 years and will remain small with proper nutrition and exercise. These indoor pigs can be trained to walk on a leash and enjoy climbing and jumping. Given the opportunity, the pigs will exercise themselves. In addition to getting outside for exercise, the pigs need the outdoors to get vitamin D. They should also be given vitamin supplements. These pigs can also be trained to use a litter box.

    Diet of Dandie Extreme Pigs

    • The Dandie extreme breed of pig grows to between 12 and 29 pounds as an adult, although they can pack on up to 50 unwanted pounds without a proper diet and exercise. Once the pigs gain weight, its nearly impossible for them to lose it. Dandie extreme pigs require specially formulated food as the food regularly fed to potbellied pigs is intended to fatten the pigs for slaughter. Treats of healthy foods such as apples are encouraged but the pigs should never consume chocolate, caffeine or salt.

    Things to Consider Before Bringing Home a Dandie Extreme Pig

    • Before you make the commitment to bring a little Dandie extreme pig into your life, be sure to check with your local government to make sure you are legally allowed to keep a pig as a pet where you live. Dandie extreme pigs are prone to skin and parasite problems so they may require frequent trips to the vet. Pigs will dig so there is a chance of damage to your lawn.

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