I am now at week 24 out of 40 along the pregnancy timeline. I have to say it feels good... well most of the time anyway. I would like to let you know what you are to expect as you progress. I am so excited now waiting for the birth. It is like waiting for Christmas.
My partner and I had been trying for a couple of months so I was checking to see if I was pregnant quite regularly. I was so happy when I found out the news. I was also worried. So many things can go wrong along the pregnancy timeline and I didn't want them to happen to me.
Suddenly it just hits you. People say that the first trimester of the pregnancy timeline is the hardest and I would agree with that (although I haven't finished yet!). You feel a lot of the pregnancy symptoms. I really struggled with tiredness and sickness. I wasn't actually sick but I did have that feeling a lot. I also had headaches, backaches and I did moan at my boyfriend a lot!
At 12 weeks though you get to go for your scan. It is really great to see your baby dancing around on the screen. It is such a relief and it really shows you why your body is feeling like it does.
I think it was on my fourteenth week of the pregnancy timeline that the normal symptoms passed. I did still have a problem with my bladder being quite painful (I expect he or she was sitting on it!) but other than that I was ok. I believe that some of the symptoms return towards the end but I am ready for that.
How far along the pregnancy timeline should you be before you start buying things for the baby? People have different opinions but I have started now and loving it.
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