Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

How to Completely Clone a New WordPress Blog in Just 60 Seconds

Do you want to make more than 1000 dollars a day? All you need is a single blog which makes around 100 dollars a day and a cloner and you will be a rich person! If you have your blogs on the various popular web hosting sites then you will be able to add a lot of blog sites, almost unlimited ones on the sub domains and they will not charge you anything extra.
The only thing which might bother you is the time which you will need tin order to clone these sites which will earn you a lot of profit.
Well, in order to make your work easier for you there are various tools which are available online.
Among them the "WordPress Cloner is a popular one".
It is a software which is "New, Easy to use" and it "Lets you clone" your blog sites completely.
This is the fastest tool which is available online and it is going to take you around 60 seconds to just clone a single site.
So it save you a lot of time and it even help you to avoid any sort of mistakes which might occur.
When you do this manually you will find that it takes a lot of time.
You will first of all need to change the template for your blog.
Then you need to customize it manually and then add the adverts to it.
Then you have to get rid of the first comment.
Then change the about page which is the default one.
After this there are lots of steps which you need to follow.
Sometimes it will take you around an hour if you want to do it manually.
Even if you are completely fluent with how to do it, it will still take you around an hour.
There are various difficulties you are going to face if you are not too sure about what you are doing.
So in order to avoid that the best path to take would be to use the WordPress Cloner.
Although this tool is a little bit expensive, it will take you around 97 dollars, it's actually worth all that money.
You will barely have any sort of hassles with this tool and you will be able to get a perfect copy of that blog using it.
Although this easy program makes life easy for you, you will have to pay a bit more than you bargained for, for it.
So if you just avoid this disadvantage you will find that it is quite the tool to help you get your work done and to clone the blogs.

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