The answer is emphatically NO because our company provides grocery products and delivery service for the residents of Florida and Alabama. MPB is a direct sales company affiliated with Southeastern Delivery Company from Pensacola, Florida. Gary Calhoun owns both of these companies and his business associates. You as an individual must do your due diligence to check everything out for yourself. The grocery delivery business is a brick and mortar business that has delivering groceries in Florida and Alabama for over 4 years and now wants to go national with its grocery delivery service.
You are going to buy groceries anyways, so, why not make a one-time investment and potentially eliminate your grocery bill for ever using MPB Today to do this and make extra money that you can pay those little bills that are bothering you.
This is without a doubt one of the simplest home-based business opportunity that I ever came across in the past 2 years that I have been involved in network marketing. You can earn anywhere from $500.00 a month to $2,000 a month in a very short period of time. My wife and I have been in with MPB for just 4 weeks and we have already made $1,000. Once you watch the 4-minute video, you will see what I am so excited about. It makes total sense.
The enrollment is a ONE-TIME fee of $200 to activate your position to make all of the money. The website is only $10 for the year and there is no monthly autoship. Your back office provides you with the tools to manage and build your business.
I will pose a question to you:
Would you spend $200 ONE-TIME out-of-pocket to TOTALLY ELIMINATE Your Grocery Bill?
Guys, talk about simple...everybody buys groceries! Just watch the 4-minute video! It makes sense and it's HOT!
Hey, I'm Excited!
This is very cool.
Make a One Time Purchase...
your Grocery Bill FOREVER...PLU$!
Would you seriously consider a home-based business? If the answer is YES then click on the link below to get more information. If you are interested in joining my team, click on my personal website and to join and start making money today.
For more information, click on MPB SUCCESS link to LEARN MORE and receive $50 on your first grocery purchase.
Copy and paste this link if necessary
Leonel DaRosa
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