Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Write in Italics

    • 1). Check books, magazines, or printed sheets from a word-processing program that have italic script to use as a model. Note how the letters slant to the right. Select samples that have all the letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case.

    • 2). Examine the differences between the regular font and the italic script. Note the slant on the italic letters, and determine the degree of the slope. Note any tails to any of the letters. For example, the letter "d" might include a small upward stroke at the bottom of the letter on the right-hand side.

    • 3). Sit at a table or flat writing surface. Place the paper in front of you. Have several sheets of paper or a book beneath the paper to soften the surface. Place the paper at a right angle to the edge of the table, and then angle it slightly to the right or left depending on which hand is your dominant one.

    • 4). Bend slightly forward from the waist at a comfortable angle. Rest your forearms on the surface of the table.

    • 5). Select a sample of a lowercase letter "a," and practice writing it on the lined paper. Repeat writing this letter several times across the width of the page.

    • 6). Select a sample of an uppercase letter "a," and practice writing it on the lined paper. Repeat writing this letter several times across the width of the page.

    • 7). Continue practicing all letters of the alphabet. Write one row for each letter in lowercase and one row in uppercase.

    • 8). Place a lined sheet of paper underneath a blank sheet. Check to make sure the lines are visible through the unlined paper. Write the passage you want in italic script, using your practice sheets as models. Use the lines that show through the paper as a guide to help keep your rows of text straight.

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