Home & Garden Green Living

Talking About Green Energy Options

Talking about green energy options is not a new conversation for people or governments.
Today both understand that it is a huge priority to develop some better options than fossil fuel consumption.
Around the world people depend on things like gas, oil and coal to heat their home and fuel their vehicles, but this material is not infinite.
When these fossil fuels are finally depleted there will simply be no more.
Not only are these fuel sources limited but they also cause serious problems with our atmosphere by causing a buildup of carbon dioxide.
In general, there is no scientific consensus on what the effects of global warming will be or even when we can expect to see them.
However, in most circles researchers will agree that human use of fossil fuels is the single largest contributor to rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and everyone can see this is a problem of disastrous proportions.
Currently there is even more confusion going around when it comes to green energy options and it is coming from manufacturers.
You will find a ton of heating, boiler and appliance manufacturers who claim to be producing green energy products.
The truth is they are simply building devices that are more energy efficient, not truly green products.
One rule of thumb for green energy options is they should not require the use of raw materials in obtaining energy.
To date our green energy production options are solar panels, wind mills/turbines and to a much lesser degree wave power.
One problem with current green energy production is the fact that it cannot be reasonably guaranteed.
All around the world the sun provides an abundant source of solar energy, yet capturing and using this resource has proved to be more than challenging.
If that were not bad enough you have a limited window of opportunity as solar energy is only available during daylight hours.
Wind power and wave power is available practically 24 hours a day, but the weather must cooperate.
For now, people are waiting anxiously for an efficient and affordable option for green energy.
Until then it is up to all of us to ensure the health of the planet in any small way we can.
We must all remember that it is up to each of us to do our part.
With every one chipping in, our small parts can make a big difference.

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