Home & Garden Green Living

How to Save Money on Your Water Bill - Rain Barrels Can Help

With all of the talk these days about "Going Green" and other environmentally charged buzz words, it might be easy to assume that everyone is taking part in the eco-friendly movement.
Some people want to do more for the environment, but simply don't know where to start or they lack the incentive to take action.
What if I was to tell you that there is a simple way to get started with an environmentally smart lifestyle that could save you a lot of money every year? There is an easy way to start living a greener life, and it's a real money saver too - Rainwater Harvesting.
What is Rainwater Harvesting? Some people think that they have to invest in costly rainwater collection systems or other equipment to get started with rainwater harvesting, but the simple truth is that you can get started right away by purchasing a rainwater barrel.
Why Rainwater Barrels? The simple math may be enough to convince you why you should begin using Rain Barrels to help the planet and reduce your bills.
You see, during spring and summer months the average home uses 40% of its water outside.
Washing cars, watering the lawn, watering gardens and cleaning up after landscaping projects account for a lot of this excessive water use - and nearly all of us do it.
Now think about it.
The water you are using on your lawn or to wash your car is treated, filtered and perfectly good drinking water, why should you waste 40% of your water bill on these tasks when perfectly good water falls from the sky, through your gutters and down to the ground via rain fall? Save Money with Rainwater Barrels Get the picture here? You can cut your water bill by nearly 40% during the warm and hot months, just by setting up rainwater barrels in your yard.
These barrels are affordable, easy to set up and they will help you save a lot of money on your water bill each month.
There aren't many bills that are easy to reduce by up to 40%, but your water bill is one of them.
Take action and start saving money today by setting up a Rain Barrel in your yard today.
Here's how you can start reducing your water bill today.

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